Master Painters Association Queensland is committed to protecting the privacy of visitors to our website, and the protection of any personal information provided to us. When you visit our website, you do so anonymously unless you voluntarily provide your personal information to us. We do not use cookies or other means to identify your server address, domain name, the visiting date and time and the pages that you viewed on the Master Painters Association Queensland website. Master Painters Association Queensland’s Privacy Policy outlines how we manage the personal information of visitors to our website. It describes what, when and how personal information is collected, and your obligations when visiting the Master Painters Association Queensland website.
Master Painters Association Queensland collects personal information that is voluntarily provided to us. Whenever it is reasonable and practical to do so, we only collect your personal information directly from you (or your authorised representative).
Master Painters Association Queensland only collects personal information in the sections of the website where:
Whenever we collect personal information from you we will do so in a lawful and fair way. We will also advise you how and where to contact us. If we collect the information from a third party we will take reasonable steps to advise you of that collection promptly. We will tell you why we are collecting the information and the third parties to whom we usually disclose that information. If you do not wish to provide the information we request, we will tell you what impact this will have.
Master Painters Association Queensland only uses and discloses personal information about you for the purpose for which it was disclosed to us, or for a related purpose, which would be reasonably expected without your permission. Master Painters Association Queensland restricts access to personal information collected on our website to only those Master Painters Association Queensland employees who need access to that information to perform and discharge their duty. Master Painters Association Queensland does not disclose, sell or market your personal information to third parties.
As part of your membership service, Master Painters Association Queensland may use your personal information to:
We will take reasonable steps to ensure that the information that we collect, use and disclose is accurate, complete and up-to-date.
We are committed to protecting your privacy and will take reasonable steps to ensure that the information we collect is protected from loss and misuse and from unauthorised access, modification and disclosure.
Master Painters Association Queensland does not allow you to directly access and update your volunteered personal information. Subject to certain restrictions, you are able to have access to all of your personal information held by us. To arrange for access to your personal information, to make a complaint about the way we have handled your personal information or to ask questions or provide feedback on our Privacy Policy, please contact the site owner.
In certain circumstances, we may refuse access to your personal information, including:
We may charge a reasonable fee to cover our reasonable costs in supplying your personal information to you.
This Privacy Policy is available upon request. It will be reviewed from time to time and any amendments will be included in the updated policy.
You acknowledge and accept that your use of the Master Painters Association Queensland website indicates your acceptance of the Master Painters Association Queensland Privacy Policy. This is the current Privacy Policy. It replaces any other Privacy Policy published on Master Painters Association Queensland to date. We may, at any time, make amendments to the Privacy Policy by publishing the new Privacy Policy on the Master Painters Association Queensland website. You accept that by doing this, Master Painters Association Queensland has provided you with sufficient notice of the amendments. It is your responsibility to check the Privacy Policy each time you visit the Master Painters Association Queensland website.
All site design, text, graphics, interfaces, and the selection and arrangements thereof may be trade-marks, including registered trade-marks, of Master Painters Association Queensland. Any reproduction, modification, distribution, or republication of this content, without prior written permission of Master Painters Association Queensland is strictly prohibited.
While every effort has been made and all reasonable care taken to ensure the accuracy of the material contained in and linked to this website, the authors, editors and publishers of this website and documents shall not be held to be liable or responsible in any way whatsoever and expressly disclaim any liability or responsibility for any injury or loss of life, any loss or damage, costs or expenses, howsoever incurred by any person whether the reader of this work or otherwise including but without in any way limiting any loss or damage costs or expenses incurred as a result of or in connection with the reliance whether whole or partial by any person as aforesaid upon any part of the contents of this publication.
Should expert assistance be required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought.